Before starting the Lifestyle Nutrition Program with Chris Mazz, I thought I could do it alone. Wow, I am so glad I didn't!
In only 18 weeks Chris Mazz has taught me so much about my nutrition and training. After many years of thinking I knew my body, I thought since I worked out, have always been petite and in "decent" shape, I could eat what ever I wanted. Not if I was going to become my best!
I've learned so much about myself and what my body and mind are capable of achieving. I turned 40 in June and I can proudly say I am in better shape and stronger than I have ever been in my life, even while on the high school swim team. Thank you Mazz, I give you all the credit helping me win because of your coaching and guidance.
-Jennifer Helmke
*Jen Placed 4th in her 1St Figure competition
**She also Placed First in the World's Natural Bodybuilding Federation in NYC. Earning her a Natural Pro Card!
*As a busy mom she is still dedicated to the gym, training hard and getting results.

Dear Mazz,
Thank you for being the kind of trainer who genuinely cares about his clients and their results. It definitely shows! I really appreciate all of your help and support as I prepared for my first 4 figure competitions within my first year.
Whenever I doubted myself you were always there with a fresh new awesome workout and constant encouragement and motivation. You really helped make the whole experience a positive one for me!
Thanks so much for kicking my butt every time personal training me and helping me push all those negative thoughts aside!
You’re truly one of a kind!
Patty Zariello IFBB Figure Pro

Your Personal TrainerChristopher Mazzella
This is me. Christopher (Chris Mazz) Mazzella. As you can see I made a huge change in my physique but most importantly my health and lifestyle. These are old pictures but this is how my story started. I became a certified personal trainer at the age of 18 and had some health challenges leaving my body bloated on Prednisone and other drugs while not paying close attention to my nutritional intake.
Finally I had enough. I hated how I looked and felt even though I exercised regularly. I wanted to show what could be done if my training and nutrition was dialed in correctly. So I went for it. Studied everything I could get my hands on involving nutrition, anatomy, body composition change along with fine tuning my personal training skills.
It was then I needed to share my experience and lifestyle nutrition program that got me and several clients I was trying it on into amazing shape. Since then, I went on to maintain good conditioning for 20 years because of the programs I developed. Here are a few of my years.
That was great and all, but early in my 30's I sometimes needing a cane to walk due to massive hip and back pain. Then, I almost lost vision in my left eye which led me to get diagnosed with an auto immune disease called AS (Ankylosing spondylitis).
A few years later, a number of surgeries and a car accident left me with RSD /CRPS. If you aren't familiar, look it up. It got so progressively bad in 2011, I could hardly function or work. I even needed assistance just to eat and prepare food. I won't talk about that now or how I lost most of the use of my right dominant hand for 7 years during that time. Since then, I still battle chronic pain on a daily basis, but use what I know about training and lifestyle to lessen my pain. Getting my clients results is what fuels me to push on through the pain despite my challenges. If you want more of my story, visit my About page (click here).
After giving birth to my 4th child, I was determined to lose fat and and get my old body back. The only thing, it got more and more difficult the older I got and the more kids I had.
I'm so thankful for meeting Christopher Mazzella and training with him during the last 2 years. His personal training is so motivating and creative. The fitness boot camp and strength classes he teaches are amazing and so much fun. Plus, they get intense and make you feel great.
Plus he seems to know just the right amount of exercise to be very challenging while no getting totally killed and broken. Mazz has helped me not only get my body back to my pre-baby weight, he helped me get into the greatest shape of my life.
I'm now full of energy,healthy,happy and feeling sexy once again. Thank you Mazz for all your guidance and caring, but especially the killer fitness classes and awesome results they bring!

Kandice had done amazing losing 25.5 lbs. of fat and over 20 inches. As my personal training and boot camp client, I was able to push her past where she thought her body wouldn't go. She has maintained that loss for the last 2 years and now stepping it back up to go further with her results. It definitely shows hard work in the gym and discipline in the kitchen. Stay tuned in for newly updated progress pictures where she has just lost another 7% body fat and put on quality muscle. It shows in her shape and overall definition.

Gina's hard work has paid off. She wound up taking 1st Place in her 1st figure competition. She is an awesome example of someone living the lifestyle of fitness, teaching group fitness classes when she is not training herself. Awesome job Gina, congratulations!

Dear Mazz,
Thank you so much for being the most awesome trainer. I’m in the best shape of my life and I owe it all to you!
I can’t thank you enough for passing down your wealth of knowledge to me in these important areas.
Eating a clean diet and making it a part of my lifestyle. The way you explain it all makes so much sense and is not hard to do. Especially when the results start to happen!
Your workouts are challenging, motivating, efficient, safe and SO MUCH FUN! I love how you change it up every time so that it always stays fresh. After three years of working out with you, you still come up with creative new exercises.You make me want to come back for more every day!
The importance of supplements and how it ties it all together so that you can achieve optimal health. I never took any kind of vitamin before regularly. Now I do and a lot of them and I FEEL GREAT!
Thanks Mazz! You’re the best! Jeanette W.

I was a fitness instructor for 17 years until I retired after the birth of my second child. The change in my body and lifestyle was drastic. Besides the stress of caring for 2 babies, and having a full time job, I had developed several painful musculoskeletal and gastrointestinal disorders. I went from being extremely physically fit to being overweight and unable to do a single lunge within 3 years.
I turned to Chris Mazz for help. From a medical point-of-view I was astounded by his knowledge of anatomy, kinesiology and nutrition. He eliminated most of my pain and discomfort while giving me some of my most intense workouts of my life. I remember one day when I was complaining of a chronic click in my shoulder Mazz manipulated my latissimus dorsi (back muscle), and I haven’t had anymore clicking in my shoulder! He has this incredible way of working muscle groups to their fullest while working flexibility all at the same time. I have been working with him for over a year and a half and he still brings in new exercises I’ve never done before. Even though I have always eaten healthy and conscious of my diet, I consulted with Mazz for additional help. He recommended some supplementation and ‘tweaked’ my diet. Most of my gastrointestinal discomfort is gone and I have more energy. Overall I find that I now spend less time in the gym and I am getting more results which leaves me more time for my family and career. I am now down to my pre-wedding weight and I feel stronger than I did 10 years ago. Working with Christopher Mazzella gives you the ‘complete package’. He is the trainer's trainer.